I found the silence and the blistering acceleration terrific. Such a positive change.
As part of Singapore Green Plan 2030 to get the nation together in a transition towards a more sustainable future, all new cars registered from 2030 and public transport will have to be “cleaner-energy” models. We showcase customers we met who are already “walking the green talk”.
Mr Leonard McCully’s story is particularly decisive one for his first ever Hyundai owned, he went straight for an electric vehicle over other petrol selection. His goal was clear: he wanted a more eco-friendly drive and in his words “without running around lugging a lump of fuel burning metal in the form of an internal combustion engine.“
What are your three favourite features that made you choose the KONA electric?
First, I love the electric drive - the car is quiet and yet delivers in performance accelerating quickly with a light tap of the foot. Second, I’m impressed with the superior build quality by the South Korean manufacturer. Lastly, the good economy cost of owning a car.
Have you always wanted an EV? What convinced you to get one?
I didn’t always hanker after an EV. What convinced me was the clean running of the car and doing my bit to reduce global warming.
Describe your first week with the KONA Electric. What do you remember most during this time?
I found the silence and the blistering acceleration terrific. Such a positive change.
Have any friends bought a Hyundai EV on your recommendation?
Not yet. Although I’ve given lots of “taxi rides” to my friends who are impressed by the ride.
What would you say to someone considering a KONA Electric?
Best thing since sliced bread. Do your bit for the environment.
Mr Leonard Mccully, KONA Electric owner since 2021 July.